Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Important Words to Understand

Words you need to know and understand: 

SEO: is short for search engine optimisation
Search engine optimisation  is a the process of maximising the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.
 including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

Synchronous and asynchronous communication tools:
These are digital tools/programs used to facilitate collaboration between individuals and groups of people, and are particularly useful for e learning environments.

Synchronous communication occurs in real time and can take place face-to-face, and as technology has evolved, can take place irrespective of distance (ex. telephone conversations and instant messaging). 
Examples of synchronous communication tools include:
WhatsApp ,Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, etc. (any instant messaging tool where LIVE conversation takes place).

Asynchronous communication is not immediately received or responded to by those involved. Examples of asynchronous communication tools include: emails and message board forums which allow people to communicate on different schedules; Moodle and MarcoPolo).

To enhance collaboration between people, many software applications offer a blend of synchronous and asynchronous technology (where the use of communication can be both asynchronous and synchronous). 

Bookmark (bookmarking): is a saved shortcut that directs your browser to a specific webpage. It stores the title, and URL of the corresponding page. Saving bookmarks allows you to easily access your favourite locations or research on the Web with just a click, so you can view or read the information later.

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